Manifest abundance this Diwali!
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
This festive season, Aries, the Universe is showering you with abundance, with a whole lot of love and prosperity. But in order to access it, you’re being asked to work through your insecurities. What is it that matters to you? What is it that truly holds you back? The Universe is asking you to take a reality check of all that you have and how you can move forward. Embrace the change and make a shift – it’s all coming together for you!
Affirmation: I release my doubts and step boldly into my abundant future.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Things are finally changing and moving in your favor – the Universe is asking you to embrace the change, no matter how uncomfortable it is. The Universe is asking you to commit to your goals and truly embrace the changes that are coming your way. Get okay with being a little bit uncomfortable for the sake of your goals. As you work towards your goals – the Universe is asking you to be playful. The more playful you are, the happier you are.
Affirmation: I embrace the abundance rushing into my life.
Gemini: (May 21 to June 20)
As you prepare for abundance, the Universe is asking you to ground yourself. Be prepared to ground your energies. This festive season, prioritize your own wellness and get ready to nurture your priorities long-term. This festive season, you’re being urged to find your WHY! Why is it that you want what you want? Get deeper and get clear on your why in order to truly know what matters to you.
Affirmation: I am aligned with my priorities & abundance flows to me effortlessly.
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
You’re on the precipice of something new, something larger than life, that brings you immense amounts of abundance and confidence! The Universe is asking you to be humble and explore all the opportunities that come your way. Before embarking on this new journey, the Universe is asking you to absolutely think things through, think strategically, as you prepare for what matters most to you. You’re ready – it’s time to take the leap of faith.
Affirmation: I am ready for something bigger & abundant to come my way.
Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Let go of your past, as you open up to the abundance and the path it leads you towards. The Universe is guiding you to learn from your mistakes and let go of the past. Bring in a new perspective, a fresh start – the more you’re able to bring forth abundance into your life. Take this festive season to switch off. As you switch off, you’re able to welcome in new ideas, that allow you to absolutely grow.
Affirmation: I forgive, release, and open my heart to new opportunities ahead.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
This season, your guides are urging you to be confident and most importantly – be fair in your dealings. The Universe is asking you to balance things out, as you ensure that you’re stepping into abundance. The more authentic you are, the more others follow you and are inspired by you! The Universe is asking you to operate from a space of authenticity – the more authentic you are, the more others are inspired by you.
Affirmation: I step into my light and lead with confidence, welcoming abundance.
Libra (September 23 to October 22)
The Universe is asking you to catch a beat – there’s been so much that has been going on. Take some time for yourself, the more you spend time with yourself, the more relaxed you are. Surrender to the flow & bring in some balance. This festive season, give yourself a lot of rest, relaxation and workouts. The more you spend time with yourself, the more content you are. Introducing some work-life balance right now would allow you to think better.
Affirmation: I find balance within, trusting that abundance flows to me naturally.
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
There’s been a lot of anxiety and distrust surrounding you. The Universe is asking you to take some time and relax. The Universe is asking you to trust your karma and have faith that good things are coming to you. Have faith in the natural flow of life and know that abundance is coming to you!
Affirmation: I trust the Universe and allow abundance to flow to me easily.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
There’s finally the end of a cycle – the Universe is asking you to embrace the new beginnings. The Universe is asking you to embrace the beginnings and detoxify the mind, body, and spirit. Take some time to tune into your emotions – what is it that you truly desire this new year? What truly calls out to you? The Universe is asking you to align your intuition and your actions to your desires – trust that the Universe is giving you everything that you need.
Affirmation: I release the old and open my heart to the abundant new beginnings.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
This festive season, you’re being gifted the clarity and power you have been dreaming off! The Universe is asking you to focus on the details and be very clear about what you’re looking to birth. The Universe is asking you to step into your most assertive self. Let your intuition lead you towards your desires, while your mind comes up with so many ways to bring those dreams to life. You deserve all the abundance that you’re dreaming of. Let it all come together.
Affirmation: I am ready for the life of my dreams.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
The Universe is asking you to bring in balance – the more you embrace balance and let go of the need to control the outcome, things will turn around for you. The Universe is asking you to be patient and yet remain the most authentic version of yourself. The more patient you are, the more you create space for abundance to enter your life.
Affirmation: I trust the process & allow abundance to flow to me with ease.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
This festive season, the Universe is asking you to embody the victory and the goals – act as if you have already achieved them. This is the time for you to recognize your worth and what you bring to the table. You’re being asked to meditate and truly attune to your intuition and bring forth only and only what calls out to you. Meditate and create vision boards that align with your reality, as you get ready to enter the next chapter of your life.
Affirmation: I know my worth and align with the divine, attracting endless abundance.
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