leap year

What Does The Leap Year in 2024 Stand For, According to Your Zodiac Sign 

It’s the leap year in 2024 and it’s this extra day that brings something extra special for all of us. This day is magical and brings something special and fun for all of us. Today, we’re sharing what the leap year holds for all elemental signs. So keep reading and be prepared to welcome in whatever the Universe is showering you with. 

Leap Year 2024


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Fire Signs, 29th February 2024, is bringing for you countless new opportunities. In order to access these opportunities, you’re being asked to work through your fears. Spend some time working through what truly makes you afraid and what it is that’s stopping you from stepping into your true potential. Trust that your wildest dreams are about to come true, are you ready for the ride? 

Abundance Ritual: Take a journal and visualise your best and highest version of yourself — and deep dive into it. Once you’re done writing, release all these thoughts, saying that it’s happening to me when I am ready to receive it. 

Lucky Colour :  Violet 


Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius 

As we bring in a special day for us all, the Universe is opening new possibilities for you. New opportunities that are ushering in financial and material possibilities. The Universe is asking you to commit — the one thing that’s going to differentiate how you bring your dreams to life. The Universe is asking you to commit to the dreams that fire you the most. Trust that this is your chance to move ahead with confidence. Don’t let the past hold you back, this is your chance to make a difference.

Release Ritual: Take a minute to center and ground yourself. Now think about your biggest dream, something that fires you up. Now, think about the biggest reason for the dream to not come true — deep dive into this thought & come up with a list of three things you can do— to reverse this belief. 

Lucky Colour: Blazing Orange 


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The leap year is bringing with it a new perspective and a new way of being. The Universe is asking you to tweak your perspective — know that the more you tweak your perspective, the easier it is for you to accept changes & move it towards yourself. Trust that all your hard work is paying off — everything that you have worked towards building is paying off. The Universe is asking you to commit, take a decision and work towards bringing it to life. 

Attraction Ritual: To amplify your current prowess and to use this affirmation to attract more wealth and luxury:
“Everything I want, the Universe gives me tenfold. I am always attracting wealth and the right opportunities.”

Lucky Colour: Forest Green 


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The Universe is asking you to bring your best this leap year in all aspects. This leap year brings with it domestic bliss — spend some time with your partner and tell them how much they mean to you. The Universe is asking you to show up as the most authentic version of yourself in all ways. At work and in your relationships, show up as the most authentic version and watch how that brings you new opportunities. When you show up as your most authentic self, the Universe is asking you — what do you need to release in order to truly step into the most authentic version of yourself? 

Authenticity Rituals: Water Signs, the leap year in 2024 is bringing with it space to be your truest self. Here’s how you can infuse your most real self in everything — 
For the next 1 week, no matter what the situation, ask yourself — 
“What would I really want to do in this situation?” Let your intuition give you the answer you need. And keep practicing and using this prompt, until it becomes a habit. Have faith that the Universe is holding space for the most authentic version of yourself. 

Lucky Colour: Cerulean Blue 

Here’s what the leap year is bringing for all the elemental signs…what are you attracting the most? Comment below and share with us! 

Also Read:

5 Green Flags to Be in a Relationship with Your Skin

5 Easy Snack Ideas to Keep Your Hunger Pangs at Bay 

How To Journal, as per every zodiac sign


  • Urvi Shrimanker, a tarot card reader and meditation coach, specializes in removing obstacles that hinder individuals from achieving their dreams. She conducts immersive journaling workshops and aims to help people embrace joy while pursuing their goals. Urvi's vision is to foster wealth, abundance, and freedom for all. Explore her insights on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/tarotbyurvishrimanker

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