monthly horoscope July 2024

July 2024 Horoscope: What’s In Store For You This Month, According  To Your Zodiac Signs

July marks the beginning of the second half of the year, paving the way for fresh perspectives and opportunities. Here’s what the monthly horoscope holds for each zodiac sign.

Monthly Horoscope
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)

For the new month, the Universe is asking you to let go of the past. You’re carrying a lot of old baggage, which isn’t allowing you to move forward. Trust that indulging in a release ritual, will allow you to make space for something new. You’re being nudged towards connecting with your soul tribe, those who are there for you & love you unconditionally. Trust that the Universe is holding space for you to completely clear old baggage & make space for new miracles.

Affirm with me: I clear my energy field and release stagnant energy that no longer serves me.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus, July is bringing with it closure. An end to a cycle. This is your chance to embrace a new beginning. Trust that this month, you’re being asked to undergo a transformation — one that brings out the real you. This is your chance to bring out a more confident and powerful you. The Universe is presenting you with opportunities to do better. Take these opportunities and make them happen for you. 

Affirm with me: I am stepping into a new version of me.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)

In July, the Universe is encouraging you to travel to different places and find new people. These travels are also allowing you to befriend yourself, and discover new aspects of your personality. Think about adapting and taking new perspectives & bringing forth these perspectives to bring about change in your life. The Universe is shedding away old perspectives that don’t serve you anymore. The Universe is asking you to have faith in yourself and make some moves towards the best version of yourself.

Affirm with me: I trust in my gifts.

CANCER  (June 21 to July 22)

A month full of new opportunities, ideas and leadership. The Universe is asking you to step into your position as a leader. This is your sign to take a step towards being the leader you need to be. This is your chance to co-create the reality you want to create. The Universe is asking you to be just and fair with those around you. You’re being given opportunities that are allowing you to step up. This is your chance to get clear with your purpose and take action in accordance with what aligns.

Affirm with me: I am living with my purpose and it’s bringing me abundance and positivity.

LEO (July 23 to August 22)

There’s a lot going on around you and others are trying to incite you and create differences. You’re being asked to be protective of your work, and your family. Be picky about who you’re giving access to in terms of energy and spending time with you. The Universe is blessing you with abundance. The more effort you put in right now, the more you’re being rewarded. This month, you’re being asked to put your head down and focus on what matters the most to you. You have an entire support system all around you, to help you on this journey — all you have to do is ask.

Affirm with me: I am supported as I step towards bringing my dream to life.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22)

This is the time to take a step back and focus on what matters the most to you. Take some time off and gain perspective on the current situation & the changes you want to make. Trust that spending time with yourself and resting is bringing you some much-needed perspective. This time off is allowing you to figure out the next steps and give you sometime to prepare for it. If you find yourself feeling lost, the Universe is asking you to remember that you have your own superpowers and that’s just you.

Affirm with me: The world is blessed to have me & all that I create.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22)

Quality over quantity this month, dear Libra. This month, dedicate your energy towards things that propel you towards growth. Focus your energies on that which will give you direct results. Delegate the rest and ensure that you’re getting time to think creatively. The Universe is granting you the superpower to balance everything beautifully. This is allowing you to direct your energies towards what feels most aligned with you.

Affirm with me: I am manifesting what’s meant for me and trust that it shows up for me at the right time.

SCORPIO  (October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio, the Universe is asking you to be okay with trying something new. This month, say YES to all things new and allow yourself to be surprised with all the wonderful things life is creating for you. The Universe is asking you to travel, sign up for new experiences and even attend networking events. You’ll be surprised at what you’re able to learn. The Universe is also asking you to be open and honest with your feelings. This is your time to let go of that which doesn’t serve you.

Affirm with me: I forgive and let go of old feelings. I am welcoming new opportunities.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21)

July is bringing with it just so much joy and happiness for you. Take this month to let go of the past and the mistakes of the past. The Universe is surrounding you with the best opportunities and the best resources to bring your dreams to life. Let go of the past and you’ll notice space for something bigger. The Universe is nudging you towards something bigger and better. This is your time to explore and try what makes you the happiest — personally & professionally.

Affirm with me: I am fulfilled with everything I do. I love what I do and it makes me happy.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)

This month, be open to learning something new. This is your sign to try something new and bring about a big change. The Universe is asking you to innovate and try something new — the more you innovate, the bigger the opportunities that will also give you a confident boost. When you’re innovating, the Universe is asking you to do so freely. Trust that the Universe is bringing you the right opportunities — create freely, as if the world is waiting for you to create.

Affirm with me: I create freely & happily. 

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18)

It’s a month of love and partnership, dear Aquarius. Take this as a sign to spend more time with your partner and forge loving and happy bonds. If you’ve been considering working with a partner for work, this is your sign to go ahead with it. The Universe is asking you to step into abundance, take some time and work with your intuition. Ask your intuition what is the right way forward and what feels best. The more you approach everything with an abundant mindset, the more you create.

Affirm with me: I am abundant and creative.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20)

When it comes to opportunities for yourself, the Universe is asking you to look around you. The trouble is you’re finding something outside when it’s right near you. This month, you’re being asked to curb your expenses and focus on creating an egg nest for yourself. Spend some time with your partner & create something romantic for them. This is the sign for you to experiment and explore your creativity — what is it that calls out to you? Think about how you can lead while being your most creative self. This month, the Universe is holding space for you to face your shadows and emerge victorious.

Affirm with me: I lovingly accept myself.

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  • Urvi Shrimanker, a tarot card reader and meditation coach, specializes in removing obstacles that hinder individuals from achieving their dreams. She conducts immersive journaling workshops and aims to help people embrace joy while pursuing their goals. Urvi's vision is to foster wealth, abundance, and freedom for all. Explore her insights on Instagram at

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